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* Functional & Organisational Strategy
* Outsourcing
* Strategy and Operations
* Business Model Transformation & Process Management
* Margin and Revenue Optimization
* Finance & Advisory Board
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Retail content
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- Less Cost for Office Space
- Less Cost for Office Inventory Management
- No Cost for Transportation of Employees (in some cases)
- No Food/Beverage Cost
- Lower Payments
- No Commute or Commute Cost
- Comfort of one’s home
- No Dress Code.
- Flexibility
Of course working from home has its downfalls as well and one being the most common and “dangerous” known as distraction.
While working from home it’s easy to get distracted by family members or simple desire to relax. It’s important to take a mindset that while working you behave as you were in the office maintaining your productivity and efficiency. That means help from your family members. Clearly set up expectations that even though you are there your focus is on work, Especially if you are on the meetings. For Single Parents expectation has to be placed on the other side where the employer has to have understanding that kids’ laughter cry or questions will occur and shouldnt be taken negatively.
The 2nd most common and dangerous downfall is the “Working from home isn’t actually working”. There are many online companies that have only remote workers, if this mindset is taken most of those companies wouldn’t be successful as they are right now. Again as in the first downfall second is all about attitude and mindset. Work is work, be it done from home or from the office, on your computer home or your computer in the office. Habits are hard to break and one has to adjust from early beginning to change the mindset of one such as this.
The 3rd most common is the lag in communication. While being in the office you can stand and just go to the person or the other office working from home requires an online meeting or waiting for a reply on the chat platform/email. In many cases that can lead to frustration or work delays. Best Practice for this is an SLA for replies and ability to view other people’s business calendars for meetings or tasks that would prevent them to see or notice chat.
We at BDS have been working in an online environment ( In some cases with companies with over 500 remote workers and over 50 Managers at times ) and helping them provide the best operational procedures, SLAs and best practices to ensure efficiency and productivity for over a decade and we can for sure say we love working from home. You can see some of our accomplishments here.
If you are thinking of developing an online working community,or improving existing, or maybe
your company is thinking of going remote, contact us so we can set up the meeting and see how we can help you out.
The world is changing constantly but in this times even that went on pause. The world pandemic situation thrown lot of the small and medium businesses in the dark with lot of employees being let go and profits being eaten to keep the business alive.
We decided to step forward and help pro-Bono those businesses in trouble with advice or strategies to have a faster recovery or even change the decline to a growth path.
Our expertise can help any type of business with the necessary strategies, tools and human capital to show the hidden potential and execute the best strategies.
If you know any business that would benefit from our expertise you can share our page or write us through our contact form.
*Allow our team few days to respond considering the volume of requests we are getting.
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Most important thing each morning is the coffee meetup where the smart ideas start to get shape which later can help in different areas of our services.
After the coffee meetup we are starting the day briefing and planning the priorities and urgent assignments. Long therm assignments are built with several weeks in advance to avoid any surprises.
Mid day is customer communication where we discuss the current work in progress and the strategies around that. Depending on the project stage we might have different action plans for each member of our team for that day.
We consider our self artists because each day we have the opportunity to paint a brighter future for our customers and write a history together.
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With over 15 years experience in this field, we can help you achieve success by providing guidance.
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